Overwharton Parish Registry - Stafford Co VA Genealogy
$ 6.3
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Overwharton Parish Register1720-1750
Old Stafford County
Published 1899
By Wm. F. Boogher
222 pages, illustrated
- Bonus Book -
Colonial Churches
In the Original Colony of
A Series of Sketches By Especially Qualified Writers
Edition, Revised & Improved
Published 1908
Southern Churchman Company
400 pages, 35 photographs
- Bonus Book -
Illustrated and Annotated Hymnal
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Virginia Diocese
By Rev. Charles Nutter
483 pages, Illustrated, Searchable
Digital EBook
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was erected in 1666 out of Westmoreland, extending to the
Blue Ridge Mountains
. This parish was co-extensive
with Stafford County, covering part of what was once Washington Parish, embracing within its territory what is now Prince William,
Loudoun, Fairfax, Alexandria Counties and a part of Fauquier until 1730, when Prince William County was taken from Stafford, and
Hamilton Parish was erected.
In 1675 there probably were frontier chapels in the immediate area, if not a church.
In 1724 there were 650 families and about 100
communicants. There was one church, Potomac, about nine miles south of the present
Overwharton predates
Parish, which dates to 1732 in Prince William and
Book Contents
Following a brief introduction on the history of Stafford County and Overwharton Parish, which draws attention
to the various parish ministers and the Old Aquia Church, the entries in the parish register, consisting of
births, marriages, and deaths (as well as a handful of baptisms), are arranged in one continuous alphabetical
sequence. The marriage records, comprising nearly half of the register, give the names of the bride and groom and
the date of the marriage; the birth records furnish the name of the newborn, date of birth, and the names of
parents; and the death records give the decedent by name and date of death. In all, this scarce work preserves the
identities of more than 6,000 early inhabitants of
Stafford County
The book also includes views of Aquia church between 1856 and 1899.
Abbot, Abbott, Abram, Adams, Adie, Aldrige, Alexander, Allen,
Allenthrop, Allentrop, Alridge, Amely, Anderson, Andrew, Angel,
Angell, Anglis, Anthony, Appleton, Asbee, Asberry, Asbrook, Asbury,
ASHBY, Ashton, Atchison, Aubury, Aukerum
Bailey, Bailis, Bailly,
Bails, Baker, Baliwoel, Ball, Balls, Bannester, Bannister,
Barbee, Barber, Barby, Bark, Barret, Barry, Basnet, Basnett,
Basriet, Bassiet, Batto, Battoo, Baxter, Bayles, Baylis, Bazell,
Beach, Begoley, Bell, Belsher, Bennet, Ben, Berry, Bethany,
Bethel, Bettson, Betty, Birckhead, Black, Blackburn, Blackman,
Bland, Blueford, Boalin, Boan, Boiling, Boling, Boning,
Boogher, Botts, Bouchard, Bowman, Box, Bozzell, Bradley, Bradly,
Bragg, Brent, Briand, Bridwell, Broderick, Bromley, Brooke,
Brooks, Brown, Bruing, Bryan, Buchan, Burch, Burchel, Burchell,
Burges, Burn, Burns, Burton, Bush, Bussel, Bussell, Butcher,
Butler, Byram, Byrom, Byron
Cabbage, Cabbige, Cain, Cammel, Camon,
Camp, Campbell, Canaday, Cannaday,
Cannon, Carberry, Carney,
Carpenter, Carr, Carrow, Cartee, Carter, Carty, Cash, Cassity,
Castello, Cave, Cavenaugh, Chambers, Champ, Champe, Chapman,
Charity, Chatham, Chichester, Chimp, Chin, Chinn, Christopher,
Cinberford, Clark, Clarke, Clarnes, Clement, Clutterbuck, Cocklen,
Cockley, Coffee, Coffey, Coffy, Colburn, Cole, Coleman, Collie,
Colson, Combs, Condring, Congers, Connally, Conwell, Conyers,
COOK, Cooke, Cooper, Corbin, Cornell, Corney, Cornish, Cornwall,
Cosby, Cossity, Cotney, Cotton, Courtney, Cowper, Crap, Craven,
Cravens, Criswell, Crosby, Croscuel, Crump, Cubbage, Cubbige,
Cuiberford, Cummings, Cunningham
Dabney, Daffin, Dalton, Daniel,
Darlow, Davids, Davis,
Davison, Dawist, Dawson, Day, Dayton,
Deckon, Dent, Devane, Dial, Dick, Dickinson, Dillon, Dinwiddie,
Diskin, Dobie, Doial, Donald, Doniphan, Doniphon, Donophon,
Dooling, Douglass, Dowling, Dows, Doyson,, Driscal, Driscol,
Duffy, Duke, Dunaway, Dunawoy, Duncomb, Dunest, Dunnaway,
Earle, Eaton, Eaves, Edgar, Edghill, Edrington,
Edwards, Edzar, Elkin, Elkins, Elliot, Ellis, Elmore, English,
Enoch, Evans
Fant, Farlow, Farrow, Fernsby, Fernsley, Fernsly,
Filcher, Fitzhugh, Fitzpatrick, Fletcher, Fling, Flitter,
Flood, Floyd, Foley, Ford, Foregast, Fortick, Foster, Fowke,
Foxworthy, Francis, Frazer, French, Fristoe, Fritter, Frogg,
Fuell, Funsten, Furguson
Gain, Gaines, Gallahan,
Garret, Garrison,
Gashings, George, Gerrard, Gibbons, Gill,
Glass, Glendering, Godfrey, Going, Goldsmith, Goleman, Goodwin,
Goolding, Gorman, Gough, Gowing, Grace, Grady, Graham, Grant,
Graves, Green, Greenless, Gregg, Grey, Grianan, Griffin, Griffith,
Grigsby, Grimes, Grinstead, Grisby, Grogg, Groves, Gunn, Gwinn
Hacker, Haffermon, Hainsbrough, Hainsford, Haley, Hall, Halley,
Hamilton, Hammet, Hammond, Hampton, Hankins, Hansbrough, Hansford,
Han, Harding, Hardwick, Harod, Harper, Harrel, Harrison, Hart,
Harvey, Harvie, Hawes, Hawkins, Hay, Hayes, Haynie, Hays, Hayter,
Hazel, Head, Heaflon, Hearne, Heath, Heckeney, Hedgman,
Heffermon, Heffermot, Heffernon, Heffernut, Hefferton, Helms,
Herrod, Hester, Hewis, Hewitt, Hickerson, Higerson, Higgerson,
Higgins, Higgison, Hill, Hinson, Hinston, Hogg, Holdbrook,
Holiday, Holland, Holliday, Homes, Honey, Hope, Hord, Hore,
Hornbuckel, Hornbuckle, Horten, Horton, Hose, Howard, Huges,
Hughes, Hughs, Humphreys, Humphrieys, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst,
Husk, Hutt, Hyden, Hyter
Innis, Isaac
Jack, Jack, James,
Jeffies, Jeffreys, Jeffries,
Jenkins, Jennings, Jett,
Johns, John, Johnston, Jones,
Jordan, Jordon, Judd
Kelly, Kemp,
Kendal, Kendall, Kendon, Kendrick, Kennedy,
Kenney, Kenny, Kenton, King, Kinny, Kinz, Kirk, Kirke, Kitchen,
Kite, Knight
Lacy, Lamb, Lane, Latham, Latimore, Lawless,
Laytham, Lea, Lee, Leftridge, Leftwich, Lemaster, Lemmon, Lewis,
Limbrich, Limbrick, Limon, Lincey, Linee, Linton, Littimore, Lowry,
Lungate, Luns, Lunsford, Lymm, Lynah, Lynaugh, Lynne, Lynns, Lyon,
Macaboy, Macanteer, Maccaboy, MacCartee, MacCarthy, MacCarty,
MacCollough, Macconchie, Maccothough, MacCoy, Maccullough,
Macculough, MacDaniel, Macdonal, MacFarlane, Macinteer,
Mackenheimer, MacMachon, MacMurry, Macon, Macquatty, Makanes,
Mallaken, Malphus, Mananteer, Manatear, Manuel, Manzey, Manzy,
Markham, Marony, Marten, Martin, Martyor, Ma, Massey, Masters,
Matheney, Matheny, Mathews, Matthews, Matthis, Mayow, Mays,
McCaboy, McCarty, McColin, McConchie, McCoy, McDaniel, McDonald,
McDonold, McDuell, McGuirk, McInteer, McMurry, Meade, Mees,
Mercer, Meredith, Merriman, Merringham, Miller, Millian, Milliner,
Million, Mills, Mings, Minor, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mobley, Molton,
Moncure, Monk, Monroe, Monslow, Montgomery, Montjoy, Moore,
More, Morgan, Moring, Morris, Morton, Moses, Moss, MOUNTJOY,
Mousley, Moussby, Moyon, Muffet, Mundy, Murdock, Murphy, Murray
Neal, Nelson, Newbold, Nichol, Nickolas, Nick, Nicolas, Noble,
Noland, Normand, Northcut, Northcutt, Norton, Nowland, Noxal,
Nubal, Nunn
Obanion, O'Banion, O'Cane, O'Daneal, Ogiboy, Ogiloy,
Oliver, Oneal, Onsby, Oram, Osbon, Owendownney, Owens
Page, Pannel, Parinder, Parker, Par, Pars, Paterson, Patten,
Patter, Pattin, Patti, Patton, Payne, Payton, Pear, Peddicoat,
Pepper, Perender, Perry, Petter, Pettigrew, Peyton, Philips,
Phillips, Phipps, Phips, Pike, Pilcher, Pilford, Pliford, Plummer,
Poole, Porch, Porter, Powel, Powell, Pownall, Powton, Powtone,
Powwell, Prestman, Price, Prichet, Prim, Pritchet, Pritchett,
Proctor, Pruden, Pully, Pumphrey, Punnell, Punton, Pyke
Rabbing, Radcliffe, Raleigh, Ramsdell, Randal, Rankins, Ransdell,
Raper, Rassan, Rayle, Read, Reaves, Reddish, Redman, Reeds,
Regnold, Reiley, Reiliegh, Renny, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice,
Richards, Richetts, Riddle, Riding, Rigg, Riggins, Riley, Risen,
Roach, Roath, Robe, Robert, Robin, Robison, Roderich, Rogers,
Rosamond, Rose, Ross, Rosser, Rounde, Rout, Routt, Rowels, Rowley,
Runnils, Rush, Ryan, Ryley
Sander, Savage, Sayas, Sayer,
Scogging, Scott, Scoulcraft, Scrogging, Sebastian, Selden, Selman,
Shadborn, Shadrick, Shamlin, Shaw, Shoemake, Short, Shorter, Shumate,
Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Simson, Sinclair,
Skaines, Slaughter, Smith, Somacks, Southland, Spilman, Spinks,
Spoldin, Spoore, Sprayburry, Stacey, Stacy, Stanard, Stanley,
Stanly, Stark, Stephens, Stone, Stringfellow, Strong, Strother,
Stuart, Stungfellow, Sturdy, Suddeth, Suddith, Suitor, Sullivan,
Sullivant, Sumate, Summers, Summon, Suthard, Sutherland, Sutor,
Suttle, Syloy, Sylva, Sylvy
Tankerly, Taylor, Templeman, Thomas,
Thompson, Thom, Thornberry, Thornton, Threlkeld, Ticer, Tifer, Toby,
Todd, Tollgate, Tolson, Tomison, Tomlin, Towngate, Travers, Traverse,
Trewick, Tunnel, Turner, Turnham, Tyler
Vant, Voucheart
Walker, Wall, Waller, Wans, Want, Warden, Warner Washington, Water,
Waters, Watson, Waugh, Wawal, Weathers, Webster, Weddall, Weddell,
Weeks, Welch, Welit, Wells, West, Weyton, Whalebone, Wharton,
Whealy, Wheeler, Whitcomb, Whitcomnb, White, Whitecotton, Whit,
Wigger, Wigginton, Wiggonton, Wilkerson, Wilkin, Willamson,
Williams, William, Wine, Wingfield, Winlock, Wiot, Wise, Withers,
Wood, Woodward, Wren, Wright
Yates, Yelton, Young
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Surname Index
Abbot, Abbott, Abram, Adams, Adie, Aldrige, Alexander, Allen, Allenthrop, Allentrop, Alridge, Amely, Anderson, Andrew, Angel, Angell, Anglis, Anthony, Appleton, Asbee, Asberry, Asbrook, Asbury, Ashby, Ashton, Atchison, Aubury, Aukerum
Bailey, Bailis, Bailly, Bails, Baker, Baliwoel, Ball, Balls, Bannester, Bannister, Barbee, Barber, Barby, Bark, Barret, Barry, Basnet, Basnett, Basriet, Bassiet, Batto, Battoo, Baxter, Bayles, Baylis, Bazell, Beach, Begoley, Bell, Belsher, Bennet, Ben, Berry, Bethany, Bethel, Bettson, Betty, Birckhead, Black, Blackburn, Blackman, Bland, Blueford, Boalin, Boan, Boiling, Boling, Boning, Boogher, Botts, Bouchard, Bowman, Box, Bozzell, Bradley, Bradly, Bragg, Brent, Briand, Bridwell, Broderick, Bromley, Brooke, Brooks, Brown, Bruing, Bryan, Buchan, Burch, Burchel, Burchell, Burges, Burn, Burns, Burton, Bush, Bussel, Bussell, Butcher, Butler, Byram, Byrom, Byron
Cabbage, Cabbige, Cain, Cammel, Camon, Camp, Campbell, Canaday, Cannaday, Cannon, Carberry, Carney, Carpenter, Carr, Carrow, Cartee, Carter, Carty, Cash, Cassity, Castello, Cave, Cavenaugh, Chambers, Champ, Champe, Chapman, Charity, Chatham, Chichester, Chimp, Chin, Chinn, Christopher, Cinberford, Clark, Clarke, Clarnes, Clement, Clutterbuck, Cocklen, Cockley, Coffee, Coffey, Coffy, Colburn, Cole, Coleman, Collie, Colson, Combs, Condring, Congers, Connally, Conwell, Conyers, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corbin, Cornell, Corney, Cornish, Cornwall, Cosby, Cossity, Cotney, Cotton, Courtney, Cowper, Crap, Craven, Cravens, Criswell, Crosby, Croscuel, Crump, Cubbage, Cubbige, Cuiberford, Cummings, Cunningham
Dabney, Daffin, Dalton, Daniel, Darlow, Davids, Davis, Davison, Dawist, Dawson, Day, Dayton, Deckon, Dent, Devane, Dial, Dick, Dickinson, Dillon, Dinwiddie, Diskin, Dobie, Doial, Donald, Doniphan, Doniphon, Donophon, Dooling, Douglass, Dowling, Dows, Doyson,, Driscal, Driscol, Duffy, Duke, Dunaway, Dunawoy, Duncomb, Dunest, Dunnaway, Duwest
Earle, Eaton, Eaves, Edgar, Edghill, Edrington, Edwards, Edzar, Elkin, Elkins, Elliot, Ellis, Elmore, English, Enoch, Evans
Fant, Farlow, Farrow, Fernsby, Fernsley, Fernsly, Filcher, Fitzhugh, Fitzpatrick, Fletcher, Fling, Flitter, Flood, Floyd, Foley, Ford, Foregast, Fortick, Foster, Fowke, Foxworthy, Francis, Frazer, French, Fristoe, Fritter, Frogg, Fuell, Funsten, Furguson
Gain, Gaines, Gallahan, Garner, Garret, Garrison, Gashings, George, Gerrard, Gibbons, Gill, Glass, Glendering, Godfrey, Going, Goldsmith, Goleman, Goodwin, Goolding, Gorman, Gough, Gowing, Grace, Grady, Graham, Grant, Graves, Green, Greenless, Gregg, Grey, Grianan, Griffin, Griffith, Grigsby, Grimes, Grinstead, Grisby, Grogg, Groves, Gunn, Gwinn
Hacker, Haffermon, Hainsbrough, Hainsford, Haley, Hall, Halley, Hamilton, Hammet, Hammond, Hampton, Hankins, Hansbrough, Hansford, Han, Harding, Hardwick, Harod, Harper, Harrel, Harrison, Hart, Harvey, Harvie, Hawes, Hawkins, Hay, Hayes, Haynie, Hays, Hayter, Hazel, Head, Heaflon, Hearne, Heath, Heckeney, Hedgman, Heffermon, Heffermot, Heffernon, Heffernut, Hefferton, Helms, Herrod, Hester, Hewis, Hewitt, Hickerson, Higerson, Higgerson, Higgins, Higgison, Hill, Hinson, Hinston, Hogg, Holdbrook, Holiday, Holland, Holliday, Homes, Honey, Hope, Hord, Hore, Hornbuckel, Hornbuckle, Horten, Horton, Hose, Howard, Huges, Hughes, Hughs, Humphreys, Humphrieys, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst, Husk, Hutt, Hyden, Hyter
Innis, Isaac
Jack, Jack, James, Jefferies, Jeffies, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennings, Jett, Johns, John, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Jordon, Judd
Kees, Kelly, Kemp, Kendal, Kendall, Kendon, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenney, Kenny, Kenton, King, Kinny, Kinz, Kirk, Kirke, Kitchen, Kite, Knight
Lacy, Lamb, Lane, Latham, Latimore, Lawless, Laytham, Lea, Lee, Leftridge, Leftwich, Lemaster, Lemmon, Lewis, Limbrich, Limbrick, Limon, Lincey, Linee, Linton, Littimore, Lowry, Lungate, Luns, Lunsford, Lymm, Lynah, Lynaugh, Lynne, Lynns, Lyon
Macaboy, Macanteer, Maccaboy, MacCartee, MacCarthy, MacCarty, MacCollough, Macconchie, Maccothough, MacCoy, Maccullough, Macculough, MacDaniel, Macdonal, MacFarlane, Macinteer, Mackenheimer, MacMachon, MacMurry, Macon, Macquatty, Makanes, Mallaken, Malphus, Mananteer, Manatear, Manuel, Manzey, Manzy, Markham, Marony, Marten, Martin, Martyor, Ma, Massey, Masters, Matheney, Matheny, Mathews, Matthews, Matthis, Mayow, Mays, McCaboy, McCarty, McColin, McConchie, McCoy, McDaniel, McDonald, McDonold, McDuell, McGuirk, McInteer, McMurry, Meade, Mees, Mercer, Meredith, Merriman, Merringham, Miller, Millian, Milliner, Million, Mills, Mings, Minor, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mobley, Molton, Moncure, Monk, Monroe, Monslow, Montgomery, Montjoy, Moore, More, Morgan, Moring, Morris, Morton, Moses, Moss, Mountjoy, Mousley, Moussby, Moyon, Muffet, Mundy, Murdock, Murphy, Murray
Neal, Nelson, Newbold, Nichol, Nickolas, Nick, Nicolas, Noble, Noland, Normand, Northcut, Northcutt, Norton, Nowland, Noxal, Nubal, Nunn
Obanion, O'Banion, O'Cane, O'Daneal, Ogiboy, Ogiloy, Oliver, Oneal, Onsby, Oram, Osbon, Owendownney, Owens
Paddeth, Page, Pannel, Parinder, Parker, Par, Pars, Paterson, Patten, Patter, Pattin, Patti, Patton, Payne, Payton, Pear, Peddicoat, Pepper, Perender, Perry, Petter, Pettigrew, Peyton, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Phips, Pike, Pilcher, Pilford, Pliford, Plummer, Poole, Porch, Porter, Powel, Powell, Pownall, Powton, Powtone, Powwell, Prestman, Price, Prichet, Prim, Pritchet, Pritchett, Proctor, Pruden, Pully, Pumphrey, Punnell, Punton, Pyke
Rabbing, Radcliffe, Raleigh, Ramsdell, Randal, Rankins, Ransdell, Raper, Rassan, Rayle, Read, Reaves, Reddish, Redman, Reeds, Regnold, Reiley, Reiliegh, Renny, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richetts, Riddle, Riding, Rigg, Riggins, Riley, Risen, Roach, Roath, Robe, Robert, Robin, Robison, Roderich, Rogers, Rosamond, Rose, Ross, Rosser, Rounde, Rout, Routt, Rowels, Rowley, Runnils, Rush, Ryan, Ryley
Sander, Savage, Sayas, Sayer, Scogging, Scott, Scoulcraft, Scrogging, Sebastian, Selden, Selman, Shadborn, Shadrick, Shamlin, Shaw, Shoemake, Short, Shorter, Shumate, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Simson, Sinclair, Skaines, Slaughter, Smith, Somacks, Southland, Spilman, Spinks, Spoldin, Spoore, Sprayburry, Stacey, Stacy, Stanard, Stanley, Stanly, Stark, Stephens, Stone, Stringfellow, Strong, Strother, Stuart, Stungfellow, Sturdy, Suddeth, Suddith, Suitor, Sullivan, Sullivant, Sumate, Summers, Summon, Suthard, Sutherland, Sutor, Suttle, Syloy, Sylva, Sylvy
Tankerly, Taylor, Templeman, Thomas, Thompson, Thom, Thornberry, Thornton, Threlkeld, Ticer, Tifer, Toby, Todd, Tollgate, Tolson, Tomison, Tomlin, Towngate, Travers, Traverse, Trewick, Tunnel, Turner, Turnham, Tyler
Vant, Voucheart
Wade, Walker, Wall, Waller, Wans, Want, Warden, Warner Washington, Water, Waters, Watson, Waugh, Wawal, Weathers, Webster, Weddall, Weddell, Weeks, Welch, Welit, Wells, West, Weyton, Whalebone, Wharton, Whealy, Wheeler, Whitcomb, Whitcomnb, White, Whitecotton, Whit, Wigger, Wigginton, Wiggonton, Wilkerson, Wilkin, Willamson, Williams, William, Wine, Wingfield, Winlock, Wiot, Wise, Withers, Wood, Woodward, Wren, Wright
Yates, Yelton, Young
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